It has been a full year of my practice being open in Lambton County!
This past year has brought many exciting things; Opening my practice virtually for the county, being a vendor at the Forest Fall Fair, and opening my office for in-person services.
This year also brought a lot of tears. I got in my own way, many times. Yeah- I got in MY own way. What does this mean?
My fears, worries, anxieties, and unhealthy core beliefs about myself got in the way. They were holding me back from doing something new, making a change, and taking a risk.
This is a normal feeling when we have to go out of our comfort zone. But when I pushed the lines of my comfort zone, I learned that I was a lot braver, stronger, and more capable than I thought... or imagined in my anxious brain. Below are 12 reflections from my year of my journey of creating Piette Psychotherapy Services.
1. Slow down; read the details!
2. Making decisions based on your values helps when you are creating boundaries
3. Get an Audible subscription...
4. Exercise. It helps with stress throughout the week!
5. Reframe productivity and challenge negative thoughts that say you are lazy
7. You are going to be judged by someone
8. Fear and anxiety hold the same energy
9. Amazon is a blessing and a curse
10. Money is a form of energy 11. Someone's reaction to your boundary says more about them, than you 12. "No" is a full sentence